The Partnership, Workplace Experience Learning (WEL) & Inclusion Directorate is a Directorate set up to contribute to achieving the goal and objectives of the Service. The Directorate is made of four units namely, Partnership & Resource Mobilisation, Workplace Experience Learning (WEL), Diversity & Inclusion and Informal Apprenticeship.
The core values of the Service are as follows:
- Integrity
- Diversity and inclusion
- Teamwork
- Professionalism
- Innovation and creativity
The Partnership, Workplace Experience Learning (WEL), Gender and Inclusion and the Informal Apprenticeship Units were set up to provide technical, operational, and administrative leadership in the management of the Ghana TVET Service while the Resource Mobilisation Unit exists to provide leadership and effective performance of the resource mobilisation functions through the identification of relevant industries, organisations and individuals for collaborations. The Apprenticeship Unit exists to provide technical, operational, and management of the informal skills training (apprenticeship) for the achievement of the mandate of the Service.
Below are functions of the various Units:
Partnership and Resource Mobilisation Unit:
The Partnership Unit ensures mobilization of funds and human infrastructure development through fundraising and has overall oversight and coordination of donor engagement and proposal writing. It was also set up to undertake the following:
- Create partnerships with governments, international and other multilateral institutions/organisations committed for funding.
- Mobilization of resources in the form of grants and other bilateral financing.
- Build relationships to leverage resources to nurture the capacity of employees and institutions.
- Acquire partners' knowledge, skills and capacities to access policies and synergies.
- Develop appropriate strategies to meet the needs of partners and to strengthen the relationship.
Workplace Experience Learning (WEL)
The Workplace Experience Learning (WEL) Unit was set up to improve employment opportunities for learners through workplace experience in an actual work environment to compliment school learning. The Unit undertakes the following:
- Establish linkages between the Training Providers, students, and industries for the WEL programme.
- Facilitate the signing of Memorandum of Partnerships (MOPs) between the Training providers and industries.
- Identify relevant, capable, and interested industries/businesses for the programme.
- Ensure that industries comply with occupational health and safety standards.
- Ensure that student understands his/her rights and responsibilities.
- Match students to industries as per the generated overall objectives of the competencies (learning outcomes).
- Ensure that both industries and students have clear expectations about the skills and competencies which the student is expected to gain in the workplace, and that the student will be given the opportunity to acquire these skills and competencies.
- In collaboration with Guidance and Counselling Unit prepare students to contain behavioural challenges they may face during WEL placement.
Diversity and Inclusion
Below are functions of the Diversity and Inclusion Unit:
- Ensure that diversity and inclusion is mainstreamed in all activities.
- Ensure that diversity and Inclusion Policies by the Ministry of Education are complied with.
- Build the capacity of staff in Diversity and Inclusion related issues.
- Facilitate awareness-and confidence-building among female learners, trainers and other staff.
- Monitor and follow-up on the implementation of Diversity and Inclusion Policies with all institutions.
Informal Apprenticeship
The Informal Apprenticeship was set up to undertake the following activities:
- Registration of Master Craftsmen and apprentices.
- Monitoring of activities of Master Craftsmen and apprentices.
- Ensure training of apprentices for the acquisition of skills.
- Ensure upgrading of skills for Master Craftsmen to meet industry demand.
- Write and submit of proposals for funding.
- Collaborate with Trade Associations and NGOs for skills upgrade and training.